Estimation of Darunavir in Tablet dosage form by
L. Satyanarayana1*, S.V. Naidu2,
M. Narasimha Rao2, Alok
Kumar1 and K. Suresh1
1Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Omega College of Pharmacy, Edulabad, Ghatkesar, Ranga Reddy Dist., Hyderabad-500 034.
2Centre for Biotechnology,
Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering (A), Andhra University,
Vishakapatnam - 530003
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
simple, precise, rapid and accurate reverse phase HPLC method was developed for
the estimation of Darunavir in tablet dosage form. A
RP Inertsil ODS-3V C-18, 250x4.6 mm, 5μm partical size, with mobile phase consisting of 0.02M Dipotassium hydrogen orthophosphate +0.02M Potassium Dihydrogen orthophosphatein in
water and Acetonitrile
in the ratio of 40:60 v/v was used. The flow rate was 1.0 ml/min and the
effluents were monitored at 265 nm. The retention time was 5.859 min. The
detector response was linear in the concentration of 80-240µg/ml. The
respective linear regression equation being Y= 44076.08X +726603. The limit of
detection and limit of quantification was 0.1µg and 0.3µg/ml respectively. The
percentage assay of Darunavir was 98.58%. The method
was validated by determining its accuracy, precision and system suitability.
results of the study showed that the proposed RP-HPLC method is simple, rapid,
precise and accurate, which is useful for the routine determination of Darunavir in bulk drug and in its pharmaceutical dosage
KEYWORDS: Darunavir,
RP-HPLC, Estimation, and Tablets.
Darunavir (Prezista®300mg)
is a drug used to treat HIV infection.
It is in the protease inhibitor class. Prezista®
is an OARAC recommended treatment option for
treatment-naïve and treatment-experienced adults and adolescents[1].
Chemically it is [(1R,5S,6R)-2,8-dioxabicyclo[3.3.0]oct-6-yl] N-[(2S,3R)-4-[(4-aminophenyl)sulfonyl-(2-methylpropyl)amino]-3-hydroxy-1-phenyl-
butan-2-yl] carbamate. Its molecular weight is
547.6 and molecular formula is C27H37N3O7S.
Literature survey reveals no chromatographic methods for the estimation of Darunavir from pharmaceutical dosage forms. The
availability of an HPLC[2-3]
method with high sensitivity and selectivity will be very useful for the
determination of Darunavir in pharmaceutical
formulations. The aim of the study was to develop a simple, precise and
accurate reversed-phase HPLC method for the estimation of Darunavir
in bulk drug samples and in pharmaceutical dosage form.
of Darunavir
and Methods:
was obtained as a gift sample from Hetero Drugs Ltd, Hyderabad. Acetonitrile and water used were of HPLC grade (Qualigens). Commercially available Darunavir
tablets (Prezista 300 mg, Tibotec
Company)) were procured from local market.
HPLC was performed on liquid Chromatograph, Waters
separation 2996, PDA detector module equipped with automatic injector with
injection volume 20µl, and 2693 pump. A RP Inertsil
ODS-3V C-18 column (250x4.6 mm i.d; particle size 5 μm) was used. The HPLC system was equipped with
Empower Software.
HPLC Conditions:
The contents of the mobile phase were 0.02M Dipotassium hydrogen
orthophosphate +0.02M Potassium Dihydrogen orthophosphatein in water and Acetonitrile in the ratio of 40:60
v/v. They were filtered before use
through a 0.45μm membrane filter, and pumped from the respective solvent
reservoirs to the column at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. The run time was set at 15.0
min and the column temperature was ambient. Prior to the injection of the drug
solution, the column was equilibrated for at least 30 min with the mobile phase
flowing through the system. The eluents were
monitored at 265 nm.
Preparation of Standard Stock solution: A standard stock solution of the drug was prepared by
dissolving 200 mg of Darunavir in 100 ml volumetric
flask containing 30 ml of water, sonicated for about
15 min and then made up to 100 ml with water to get 2000µg/ml standard stock
Working Standard solution: 5ml of the
above stock solution was taken in 50 ml volumetric flask and thereafter made up
to 50 ml with mobile phase to get a concentration of 200µg/ml.
Preparation of Sample solution: Twenty
tablets (Prezista 300 mg, Tibotec
Company)) were weighed, and then powdered. A sample of the powdered tablets,
equivalent to 200mg of the active ingredient, was mixed with 30 ml of water in
100 ml volumetric flask. The mixture was allowed to stand for 1 hr with
intermittent sonication to ensure complete solubility of the drug, and then
filtered through a 0.45μm membrane filter, followed by adding water up 100
ml to obtain a stock solution of 2000µg/ml. Transfer for 5ml of this solution to a 50 ml of volumetric flask and
made upto sufficient volume with mobile phase to give
an concentration of 200µg/ml.
Linearity: Aliquots of
standard Darunavir stock solution were taken in
different 10 ml volumetric flasks and diluted up to the mark with the mobile
phase such that the final concentrations of Darunavir
are in the range of 80-240μg/ml. Each of these drug solutions (20µl) was
injected three times into the column, and the peak areas and retention times
were recorded. Evaluation was performed with PDA detector at 265 nm and a
Calibration graph was obtained by plotting peak area versus concentration of Darunavir (Fig 2).
plot of peak area of each sample against respective concentration of Darunavir was found to be linear in the range of
80–240µg/ml with correlation coefficient of 0.998.Linear regression least
square fit data obtained from the measurements are given in table I. The respective linear regression equation
being Y= 44076.08X + 726603. The regression characteristics, such as slope,
intercept, and %RSD were calculated for this method and given in Table-I.
Table I: Linear Regression Data for
Calibration curves.
Parameters |
Results of proposed HPLC Method |
Concentration range (µg/ml) Slope
(m) Intercept
(c) Correlation
coefficient %
RSD Standard
error of estimate |
80-240 44076.08 726603 0.998 0.3 189092 |
Assay: 20µl of sample solution was injected into the injector
of liquid chromatograph. The retention time was found
to be 5.859 minutes. The amount of drug present per tablet was calculated by
comparing the peak area of the sample solution with that of the standard
solution. The data are presented in Table
Table II: Results of HPLC Assay and
Recovery studies
Sample |
Amount claim (mg/tablet) |
found by the proposed method |
% Recovery* |
1. 2. 3. |
200 200 200 |
98.75 98.50 98.37 |
109.47 109.65 109.22 |
of three different concentration levels.
was determined by recovery studies of Darunavir,
known amount of standard was added to the preanalysed
sample and subjected to the proposed HPLC analysis. Results of recovery study
are shown in Table II. The study was done at three different concentration
system suitability tests were carried out on freshly prepared standard stock
solution of Darunavir. Parameters that were studied
to evaluate the suitability of the system are given in Table III.
Table III Validation Summary
Validation Parameter |
Results |
System Suitability Theoretical Plates (N) Tailing factor Retention time in minutes Resolution % Area |
7280.76 5.859 2.28 99.96 |
LOD (µg/ml) LOQ (µg/ml) |
0.1 0.3 |
of Detection (LOD) and Limit of Quantification (LOQ)
limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) for Darunavir were found to be 0.1µg/ml and 0.3µg/ml
respectively. The signal to noise ratio is 3 for LOD and 10 for LOQ.
the typical chromatogram of Darunavir as shown in fig
1, it was found that the retention time was 5.859 min. A mixture of 0.02M
Dipotassium hydrogen orthophosphate +0.02M Potassium Dihydrogen orthophosphatein in
water and Acetonitrile
in the ratio of 40:60 v/v was found to be most suitable to obtain a peak
well defined and free from tailing. In the present developed HPLC method, the
standard and sample preparation required less time and no tedious extraction
were involved. A good linear relationship (r=0.998) was observed between the
concentration range of 80-240µg/ml. Low values of standard deviation are
indicative of the high precision of the method. The assay of Darunavir tablets was found to be 98.58%. From the recovery
studies it was found that about 109.49% of Darunavir
was recovered which indicates high accuracy of the method. The absence of
additional peaks in the chromatogram indicates non-interference of the common
excipients used in the tablets. This demonstrates that the developed HPLC
method is simple, linear, accurate, sensitive and reproducible.
Fig 1:
Typical Chromatogram of Darunavir by HPLC
Fig-2: Calibration curve of the Darunavir by RP-HPLC.
the developed method can be easily used for the routine quality control of bulk
and tablet dosage forms of Darunavir within a short
analysis time.
authors are grateful to M/s Hetero Drugs, Hyderabad for the supply of as a gift
sample Darunavir and to the Management, Omega college
of Pharmacy, Hyderabad, for providing the necessary facilities to carry out the
research work.
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Received on 19.08.2011 Accepted
on 22.08.2011
© Asian Pharma Press All
Right Reserved
Asian J. Res. Pharm. Sci. 1(3): July-Sept. 2011; Page 74-76